Welcoming Takehiko Nakao in Nur-Sultan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated him on the 25th anniversary of the partnership between Kazakhstan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
“We appreciate your input to the development of cooperation between the Government of Kazakhstan and the Bank. Your presence in our economy is quite clear, and is very much appreciated,” the President of Kazakhstan noted.
In turn, the ADB President said that he got acquainted with the State of the Nation Address of the Head of State. The Head of one of the largest Asian financial institutions positively assessed the main points of this strategic document, especially highlighting the social component. In his opinion, the goals and objectives of the Address correlate with the priorities of the ADB development.
“In your Address, you pay more attention to life of the people and teachers’ salary, which is an important basis for the human capital development. We are supporting those things," Takehiko Nakao said.