The Kazakh leader greeted the round table attendees and thanked for their participation in the 10th Astana Economic Forum.
- Meetings with experts are of utmost importance and always challenging. Particularly now when important changes are taking place worldwide, the President of Kazakhstan said.
Nursultan Nazarbayev, noting the rapid pace of global technological development, emphasized the timeliness of EXPO-2017 international specialized exhibition theme.
- Thanks to the exhibition, Kazakhstan regarding the development of new technologies is at the forefront of world attention. With their evolution, we start observing a breakthrough change of the world. We have considered futuristic the technologies such as electric vehicles, unmanned vehicles, nanotechnologies, and new types of energy. Now this is a reality, the Head of the State said.
Nursultan Nazarbayev dwelled on topical issues of the international agenda affecting progress, and noted the need to consolidate efforts in solving global problems.
- The latest news about the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement, and the situation around Qatar complicates sustainable development. Environmental problems, processes of de-globalization, migration flows, and paternalism in different countries hamper trade, mutual relations and integration, the Head of the State said.
During the meeting, A.Kwasniewski, S.Mesic, S.Timashev, R.Chung, D.Frenkel, A.Spitsyn, D.Daokui Li, I.Sakong, P.Tichansky, D.Perkins, D.Garold , N.Taleb and H.Burkner have taken the floor.
In conclusion, the President of Kazakhstan appreciated a substantive meeting of the round table attendees and invited them to follow up on the discussion of topical matters at Astana Economic Forum.