Prior to the meeting, during the session of the city maslikhat, the candidacy of Adilbek Dzhaksybekov to the post of the Mayor of the city of Astana was approved by the deputies.
During the meeting with the active functionaries of the city of Astana, the head state informed that I.Tasmagambetov was appointed Minister of Defence.
- He has been working with me for many years and used to hold many positions. In all areas of his work he went into details, formed strong personnel and fulfilled the tasks given, - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
The head of state also noted that during the period of work of I.Tasmagambetov as the Mayor of Astana, the city has substantially changed.
- Over 16 years not only did we build a new capital, but we built a city, which surprises and admires both city’s inhabitants and guests from all over the world. Today, it became known that Astana has entered the world’s top 21 smartest cities, - Nursultan Nazarbayev noted.
Also, the President of Kazakhstan informed that Adilbek Dzhaksybekov appointed new Mayor of the city of Astana.
- In accordance with the Constitution, I received an endorsement of the maslikhat and appointed Adilbek Dzhaksybekov Mayor of Astana. He is a person, who became the first Mayor of the city in 1997. He coped with all the tasks set, wherever he worked, - the head of state said.
I.Tasmagambetov and A.Dzhaksybekov thanked the head of state for trust and noted that they would make every effort to fulfill the tasks they were given.
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