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Official website of the

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Official website of the

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Astana, Kazakhstan

Participation in the 2nd meeting of the Astana Club

November 14, 2016

The President, in his speech, noted the importance of dialogue on the urgent issues of the world economy and politics. Nursultan Nazarbayev pointed to our country’s role in addressing global and regional issues, including its active participation in the nuclear disarmament process.

Noting the high dynamics of global processes, the President of Kazakhstan emphasized the need for new approaches to national, regional and global development.

- Steep drop in oil and metal prices, stock market and national currency crash, slowdown in world trade, of which due to the policy of mutual sanctions; that is definitely a risk of the global economy. But it's not a no win situation. Therefore, it is more important not "to sprinkle ashes upon head," and not to complain about it. It is necessary, first of all, to find new sources of economic growth and new ways of mutually beneficial cooperation. Fear of the unknown should not paralyze the will to growth and progress, Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The Head of State stressed that the strengthening of geopolitical contradictions reduces the level of trust between the countries, leveling the global and regional security. At the same time, that factor becomes a promise for a more intensive search for solutions to acute problems of today.

In addition, Nursultan Nazarbayev drew attention to the prospects of cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union.

- It is crucial to jointly determine a route for the creation, favorable for all, of the common economic space "big Eurasia". As I see it, such a prospect is unavoidable. It should be a profound interaction of the SCO, EAEC, and European Union and of the "economic zone of the new Silk Road", and eventually the entire Asia-Pacific community. It’s not an option to disregard that vector of continental and at the same time, global development, without prejudice to the progress, prosperity and security of each of the Eurasian nations. That is my committed position, the Head of State said.

The President of Kazakhstan noted that emerging macro-regional trade associations should be targeted for creation of the single Eurasian trade and cooperation, including projects such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, the Trans-Pacific partnership and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

In addition, the Head of State stressed the relevance of the task of building a world based on justice, trust, cooperation and universal responsibility.

- Kazakhstan's mission is for our region of Central Asia to become a strong bridge with two-way traffic between East and West, between North and South; to be the area of interaction and collaboration, a model area of ​​peace, confidence and global security. There are its problems too. I am convinced, step by step, using the potential of dialogue and negotiation, the world will be able to solve any problem, overcome the contradictions, develop a common strategy for the global development of the entire XXI century, Nursultan Nazarbayev concluded.

The President of Kazakhstan has also answered questions from the experts from China, Russia, the United States, Afghanistan, Japan, on the future prospects of the SCO development, practical measures to rebuild the Silk Road, nuclear disarmament, regional cooperation and economic diversification.

In conclusion, the Head of State wished a constructive dialogue to the participants of the Astana Club’s second meeting, emphasizing the importance of mainstreaming the elaborate decisions on settling the global and regional problems.

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The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan