Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Bakytzhan Sh. SARIYEV

Born on December 24, 1971 in Almaty.
Education: the Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Construction in Almaty; Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, with degree in engineering and law.
Career positions:
1996-1997 – Specialist, Senior specialist of the Document Support Division of the Prime Minister’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1997-1999 – Administrative assistant, Senior administrative assistant of the Document Support Division of the Prime Minister’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 1999 – March 2019 held different positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
1999-2002 – Head of the Control Division of Human Resources and Control Office of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2002-2003 – Head of the Human Recourses Office of the Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2003-2007 – Head of the Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2007-2019 – Head of the Chancellery of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Since February 2016 – October 2017, he also held the position of the Ethics Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In March 2019, he was appointed as Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since July 2019 – Head of Civil Service and Personnel Policy Department of the Presidential Executive Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In June, 2022, by the Presidential Dercree Bakytzhan Sariyev was appointed as the Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Награжден орденами «Парасат» (2021) и «Құрмет» (2012), медалью «Ерен еңбегі үшін» (2006), 9 юбилейными медалями, нагрудным знаком «Үздік мемлекеттік қызметші» (2017), ведомственной медалью МИД «Қазақстанның сыртқы саясатына қосқан үлесі үшін Нәзір Төреқұлов атындағы медаль» (2019).
Awards: «Parasat» Order (2021), «Qurmet» (honour) Order (2012), «Eren enbegi ushin» (for distinguished labor, 2006) medal, 9 anniversary medals, «Distinguished civil servant» special honor (2017), «Nazir Torekulov» medal for the contribution to the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
He holds the diplomatic rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
Married, has three children.