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Official website of the

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Official website of the

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Speech by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev at the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States

Dear Heads of State!

Dear colleagues!


Today, we have gathered in Astana, which has become a recognized center of international politics, to determine the future course of development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. We have succeeded in transforming our Organization into an effective mechanism of inter-state relations based on the Shanghai spirit of friendship, good-neighborliness, equality, and mutual support.

The SCO is home to over three billion people. The Organization comprises the world’s largest and fastest growing economies, accounting for one-third of the world’s GDP. This clearly demonstrates the enormous potential and global role of our Organization.

The SCO has proven to be a unique platform where the voices and interests of all its member states are equally taken into account. It is on this inviolable democratic basis that our long-term cooperation rests, which, I am confident, will be further enriched with new content.

Since taking up the baton of chairmanship in the Shanghai Organization last year, Kazakhstan has accomplished a great deal with the active support of all SCO members. We held approximately 150 events at various levels, including digital, tourism, energy, and business forums, as well as the SCO Youth Council. Work within the framework of the SCO Year of Ecology was actively promoted.

The Organization’s treaty collection was enriched with 60 new documents, including the Anti-Drug Strategy, the Plan for the Implementation of the Economic Cooperation Strategy, the Agreement on Environmental Protection, the Energy Cooperation Development Strategy, and others.

The range of SCO partner international organizations has been extended. The activities of the Special Working Group on Investments have been resumed. The process of transition to settlements in national currencies has gained positive momentum.

Thanks to all these measures, our trade and economic cooperation is developing very dynamically.

We have paid special attention to strengthening cultural and humanitarian cooperation. We have launched a number of key projects that make the SCO format even more attractive. These include the ‘Spiritual Shrines of the SCO Countries’ project and the first SCO Silk Road international music festival.

Additionally, ten tourist territories for realization of joint projects have been defined. Almaty became the cultural and tourist capital of the SCO.

I can confidently say that Kazakhstan, as the SCO Chair, has fully accomplished all the goals and objectives declared at the previous summit.

I express my sincere gratitude to all member states for their support and active participation in the implementation of Kazakhstan’s initiatives.

I am convinced that by continuing our work in these priority areas, we will achieve even greater success in building a prosperous community in the SCO region and in promoting the ideas of peace, creation, and progress on a global scale.


Dear colleagues!


I would also like to outline what we believe are the key areas of strategic importance for all the countries of the Shanghai Ten.

First. Strengthening mutual trust and cooperation in the area of security.

The current difficult situation is largely a consequence of the acute crisis in the entire system of international relations. Against this background, the SCO must strengthen its stabilizing and constructive role in order to overcome the erosion of international law, prevent geopolitical rifts and, ultimately, strengthen peace and security in a broad global context.

The combined potential of our states, economic power, and intellectual resources allows us to move confidently in that direction. There is no doubt that the voices of the SCO member States will sound more forcefully, calling humanity to peace, creation, and mutual trust.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is exceptionally well-placed to act as a guarantor of peace and security throughout the Eurasian continent. For this purpose, within the framework of our chairmanship, I have proposed the implementation of the SCO Initiative On World Unity for Just Peace, Harmony, and Development.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting this important document. I believe that through joint efforts we will be able to elevate this initiative to the global level.

In addition, considering the new realities, there is an urgent need to develop and adopt an agreement on confidence-building measures in the military sphere. The fight against the three evils forces must always remain in our focus. The Program of Cooperation on Combating Terrorism, Separatism, and Extremism, which is being adopted today, is of great importance in this context.

This comprehensive program is also intended to contribute to improving the situation in Afghanistan, where difficult processes are currently under way, but there are certain signs of stabilization and economic recovery.

We are also counting on the support of member states in implementing Kazakhstan’s initiative to establish a United Nations Regional Centre on Sustainable Development Goals for Central Asia and Afghanistan in Almaty.

Another common urgent task is to strengthen cyber security. We must prioritize this area, given the rapid development of information technologies and artificial intelligence.

I propose developing a special mechanism for the continuous exchange of information and the application of best practices to ensure the stable functioning of the information infrastructure of the SCO countries.

The Plan of Cooperation on Ensuring International Information Security, which is being adopted today, meets these objectives.

Second. Expansion of trade and economic cooperation.

Unfavorable trends are gaining momentum in the global economy. According to the World Bank, the growth rate of the global economy will slow down this year.

It is obvious that the world economy needs new points of growth and a completely different development paradigm. Therefore, important tasks of the Shanghai Organization, in our opinion, are to expand trade and economic cooperation, create conditions for the free movement of capital and technology, and combat climate challenges.

The growth of mutual trade is becoming a general trend for the SCO region. For example, Kazakhstan’s trade with the SCO countries grew by 6.5% last year.

The SCO countries have a solid technological base and a huge market for the development of all vital sectors of the economy. The development of special tax, customs, and migration regimes will help to make significant progress in this direction.

In this regard, Kazakhstan’s proposal to create the SCO Economic Preference Base remains relevant.

The need to create a single platform for the discussion and approval of investment projects has become evident. We propose creating a mechanism for financial support of project activities based on the Astana International Financial Center (AIFC). China, Russia, India, Uzbekistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic are already actively working on this platform. Overall, 20% of the residents of the AIFC are companies from the SCO countries.

Third. Strengthening transport connectivity through efficient corridors and reliable supply chains.

We attach exceptional importance to further synergizing China’s One Belt, One Road megaproject, the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, and Trans-Eurasian corridors in the North-South direction, including the Central Asia-South Asia vector. To implement these plans, it is important to take practical measures to create a Partnership Network of Strategic Ports and Logistics Centers within the SCO.

Fourth. Reforming and modernizing the SCO.

In the context of rapid global changes, we face the urgent task of further improving the SCO’s activity. The ongoing process of expanding the Organization opens up new opportunities and gives impetus to its development.

As Chair of the SCO, our country has presented its balanced proposals for transforming the Organization into an even more effective multilateral cooperation mechanism.

In particular, we advocate strengthening the role of the SCO Secretariat and the Secretary-General.


Dear Summit participants!


All the proposals I have made are motivated by a sincere desire to contribute to our common noble goals.

Allow me once again to express my great gratitude to you for supporting the Kazakhstan chairmanship. I also cordially congratulate the distinguished President of the People’s Republic of China, Mr. Xi Jinping, on assuming the chairmanship of the SCO Council of Heads of State.

Kazakhstan will provide all possible assistance to your forthcoming responsible mission.

I am confident that the Chinese chairmanship will make a significant contribution to further enhancing the global authority of the SCO and strengthening multifaceted cooperation for the well-being and prosperity of our peoples.

Thank you for your attention.