The State Counsellor of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the State Counsellor ) is an official of the Republic of Kazakhstan who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The State Counsellor operates under the direct supervision of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and is accountable and under control to him.
The State Counsellor exercises the following powers:
- develops for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan proposals on the main areas of domestic and foreign policy;
- on behalf of the Head of State represents his interests:
in relations with the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its chambers, other state bodies, public associations;
in international relations;
- coordinates activities:
on social and humanitarian development, family and demographic policies, culture, physical culture and sports;
advisory bodies under the Head of State: the Commission on Human Rights, the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Commission on State Awards, the Commission on Awarding the State Peace Prize and Progress of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy, the Republican Commission for State Symbols, Heraldry and other equated to them awards, the Republican Commission for Training Abroad, the Commission on Awarding of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Literature and Art, the Commission on Awarding the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Science and Technology named after al-Farabi, the Commission on Citizenship issues, the Public Commission on Awarding Prizes, Awarding Grants and Announcing the Acknowledgment of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Mass Media, the National Commission for Women's Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the Council for Youth Policy;
- exercises other powers in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The State Counsellor of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Erlan T. KARIN