The bills necessary for effective implementation of the Address of the President and legal support for the “Kazakhstan-2050” Strategy were discussed at the meeting.
Nurlan Nigmatullin informed the head of state on the legislative activity of the Majilis of the Parliament, as well as reported on the results of the deputies’ trips to the regions in order to explain the Address of the President to the population.
The Chairman of the Majilis informed that the parliamentarians held more than 1,300 meetings with participation of nearly 140 thousand residents of the regions.
The Chairman of the Majilis noted as well that throughout the work of the Parliament of the Vth convocation 255 bills have been adopted, 21 of which were initiated by the deputies themselves. 183 bills were given to the Senate, 173 of which have already become the laws. The Majilis is currently considering 60 draft laws.
Following the results of the meeting, the head of state set a number of specific tasks.